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Dream Weavers

Everybody dreams. Some people remember their dreams easier than others, and some don’t remember their dreams at all. Keeping a dream journal, or belonging to a dream group facilitates in many people an ability to remember dreams. Setting an intention before sleep to remember dreams upon waking can also assist with dream recall. https://pin.it/2C3cVIJ So…

Everybody dreams. Some people remember their dreams easier than others, and some don’t remember their dreams at all. Keeping a dream journal, or belonging to a dream group facilitates in many people an ability to remember dreams. Setting an intention before sleep to remember dreams upon waking can also assist with dream recall. https://pin.it/2C3cVIJ

So why am I writing about dreams; what is their purpose? There are different ideas floating around about the function of dreams. The idea that dreams help sort through the information of the day and categorize  events into long-term memory seems to be a popular idea. Additionally, dreams allow us to work out conflicts from the unconscious mind which positively affects our conscious mind. Dreams are one step ahead of the game, and can often help us in decision making, or problem solving.

I personally am interested in dream work, because of the inner work that can be accomplished. If dream-work helps to integrate the unconscious mind, bringing an active participation with our dream world will help us on the outside with the workings and functionality of the conscious mind. Dreams often bring aspects of our repressed personality out, and give us an opportunity to re-integrate them into our being. If one believes that psychological conflict breeds symptoms, then surely resolution of inner conflict will lessen the symptoms. 

I have been keeping a dream journal consistently for about the last five years. I give the dream a name that will differentiate it from other dreams. I keep the narrative in the present tense. I write the dream on the left-hand side page, and use the page on the right-hand side for working with the dream. I will provide exercises on how to “work with the dream” in upcoming blogs.

Feel free to post questions about dreams on this blog, and I will also address those in upcoming blogs. I am preparing to start an online dream group. It will be held on Zoom and we will work with one dream per session. Feel free to contact me, or to subscribe to my blog if you are interested in participating in future groups.

Happy Dreaming!

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